Big Friends Little Friends is a community-based mentoring program that matches children with caring adult mentors. The goal of Big Friends Little Friends is to develop the positive potential of the young by providing friendship, support and guidance. The services are available in the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire.
The program consist of:
- Traditional/Community-Based Mentoring: A program in which the Big and Little consistently meet 2-4 times a month for a minimum of one year. Matches are made with considerations to such things as geographic location, interests and personalities.
- Mentoring Out Loud: This program involves matching a deaf or hard of hearing child with a Big who is either deaf, hard of hearing, or skilled in American Sign Language.
- Site-Based Mentoring: A site-based program involves a volunteer meeting with his/her Little at a site such as The Girls and Boys Club, YMCA, YWCA, etc. The concept and commitment remain the same but matches get to take advantage of the resources and activities the site has to offer.
- Cross-Gender Matches: This is a program that matches female Big Friends with male Little Friends who are 12 years old or younger.
- Couples as Bigs: A program in which a couple is matched with a child. The match meets 2-4 times a month for a period of one year.
- Family Matches: A one year program in which an entire family may be matched with a child. Family matches meet 2-4 times a month for a minimum of one year.